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支招小作文(167) I 静态柱图 英国艺术&物理专业毕业生去向

December 7, 2023

雅思小作文系列 | 栏目推送说明


[2023/ 12/ 2] The chart below shows the destinations of students graduating from Physics and Art in the UK in 2007.


Body 1:employment + working and studying

Body 2:其余三个类别


The bar chart compares the choices of graduates from Arts and Physics in Britain for the year 2007.


Overall, students majoring in physics outnumbered those from art among all the given destinations. The largest gap between these two groups of graduates could be found in employment.


- 所有选择中都是physics>art

- Employment中art和physics的差距最大

【Body 1】

Looking at the information in more detail, we can see thatemployment was the most favorable option for graduates — 35% of the physics majors and 25% of the students who majored in art decided to seek employment.By contrast, for both majors, only less than 10% of the students chose to work and study, making this choice the least attractive one.


- 选择employment的人数最多(physics有35%,Art有25%)

- 两个专业毕业生中选择work and study的人数最少,<10%

【Body 2】

We can also see thatcontinuous study and training was chosen by 20% of students who studied physics and 15% of those from art.A similar difference could be foundin unemployment, where the proportion of physics graduates(15%)slightly outnumberedstudents with a degree in art.However,roughly the same percentages ofstudents from both majors made other decisions, with the figure of roughly 8%.


- further training and study:physics--20%,art--15%

- unemployment有类似的差距

- others:art和physics数据相似--大约8%

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